Closing TDF's COVID-19 Project: Celebrating Achievements with Ayala Corporation and BCFI

Provision of Primary Health Care Services including Tuberculosis (TB) Screening and Promotion of Health…

A Burning Hope! TDF Lightens Up Makati --- International AIDS Candlelight Memorial 2023

TDF New President - Dr. Julius Lecciones

Radisen President and CEO Dr. Yunju Ra, visited the Tropical Disease Foundation, Inc. (TDF)

Dr. Julius Lecciones is TDF's new EVP

TDF Partners with Ayala Corporation and Bloomberry Cultural Foundation Inc on COVID-19 Testing Initiatives

Tropical Disease Foundation expands to a Medical Research Unit

Tropical Disease Foundation, Inc. is now a member of the Philippine Private Sector Diagnostics Consortium…
Service Programme
The TDF is a pioneer in the Private Public Mix DOTS, establishing a DOTS clinic at the Makati Medical Center, in collaboration with the Department of Health, Makati Medical Center, and the Barangay San Lorenzo. This became the first pilot project on the…
Research Programme
Research on infections of public health importance is one of the programs of the Tropical Disease Foundation. The current research focus of the TDF has been on Tuberculosis which started with the 1997 Nationwide Tuberculosis Prevalence Survey, measuring…
Training Programme
By the nature of its mission and vision, the Tropical Disease Foundation provides for the opportunity to enhance human resource capability through training in various aspects of research and service in the control of infections diseases. There are two…
Mission & Vision
Vision Equitable universal access to health for national prosperity. Mission National and local community development through research, training, service, and healthcare delivery in the prevention and control of infectious diseases of public health importance.
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is composed of multidisciplinary members who actively give policy guidelines, advice and direction to the TDF. It meets once every quarter and elects members every year. The current members of the Board of Trustees are:
Institutional Review Board
The Institutional Review Board was organized by the Tropical Disease Foundation in February 1987 to serve as a combined technical and ethical review board to evaluate the proposals for research of the TDF and oversee their implementation.