2018 World TB Day Mini-grant

For the third straight year, the Tropical Disease Foundation, Inc. (TDF), together with the Global TB Alliance, was able to implement a World TB Day Community Activity. For this year, the project coordinated with the University of Makati, a local government-funded educational institution to conduct health-teaching sessions on essential information on TB for university faculty, staff, and students. The TDF-DOTS clinic has had patients who were either working or studying at the University.
With World TB Day falling in close proximity to the holy week holidays in the Philippines, the project was moved up, at the same time coinciding with the University’s foundation week celebrations. From 05 – 08 March 2018, TDF was able to secure one of the booths for the school fair. TDF staff distributed pocket tissues and information materials as in past World TB Day projects. Contact details were indicated in the pocket tissues should people need more information.
With the activity coinciding with the university fair, many students were able to visit the booth. For the duration of the booth display, project staff were asked questions on TB by employees and students alike. Inquiries ranged from signs and symptoms of the disease to what to do if they suspect someone having the disease. New informational materials on cough etiquette and handwashing were also displayed at the booth.
Two health-teaching seminars were conducted on 09 March 2018, one in the morning and another in the afternoon in the Mini-theater of the University of Makati. The seminar entitled “TB 101: A Seminar on Basic Facts on Tuberculosis” invited employees and students of the university. The objectives of the activity were to provide a brief background of drug-resistance in TB, the National TB program in Makati, clarification of referral procedures for presumptive TB patients of the hospital – both in- and outpatient
– as well as updates on TB research being conducted in the country.
Aside from basic TB facts, the project was also able to enlist the support of a patient-turned-advocate who also participated in the World TB Day activity in 2016. By sharing her advocacy experience after she completed treatment, she was able to shine light on hope and opportunities for patients in spite of the illness. After both talks, employees and students alike raised questions ranging from misconceptions on TB, to actions to take if a co-worker is learned to have contracted TB.
For this year, the project allowed us to reach a new sector of the city population. It is hoped that this activity would help establish a formal system for referral for presumptive TB patients seen by the university clinic. Furthermore, in line with the theme for this year’s celebration, by educating the youth, we hope to develop TB leaders who will not be afraid of the disease, be compassionate to affected people, and be committed towards TB elimination. Ballers bearing this year’s World TB Day celebration were also distributed to participants in the seminars.
The activity started with putting up the World TB Day Booth. The “Takpan ang Ubo Jingle” was played to catch attention to the booth. Students were given the chance to take home TB flyers and tissues with the TDF TB Hotline inscribed. TDF nurses answered questions from students and employees.
Those who were not able to get materials from the booth signed up to attend the TB 101
seminar. Many questions were thrown in which the speaker responded to.
Former TB patient Louie Teng shared her experiences and works on TB. Some students who
were inspired by her story even took pictures with her.
Dr. Rholine Gem Veto ended his lecture with a call for the students and the staff to be leaders for TBfree
Philippines. The attendees were given flyers, tissues and ballers.