Biosafety Lecture Series

Tropical Disease Foundation, Inc. (TDF) conducted a series of lectures and demonstrations on Biosafety and Basic Infection Control for its employees. These were conducted on February 29, March 7, March 14 at the 5th floor of the Philippine Institute of Tuberculosis building. The participants were doctors, clinic nurses, laboratory staff, administrative staff and other support staff.
The main objective is to provide the employees knowledge on the importance of Biosafety Program in an institution like TDF which primaryily deals with an infectious agent, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Discussed on the lectures were: Biosafety Principles and Practices; Respiratory Protection and Personal Protective Equipment; Decontamination, Disinfection, and Sterilization Techniques; Clinical Waste Management; and Emergency Preparedness and Response.
The course was headed by Claudette Guray, TDF Biosafety Officer. She was among the 19 participants, hailed as the first Certified Biosafety Officers Training Course (ABOT) conducted bu the Philippine Biosafety & Biosecurity Association, Inc. in cooperation with UP Manila's Institutional Biosafety Committee and funded by the U.S. Department of State under the Biosecurity Engagement Program. The materials used in the lecture series came from the same training course.
Ms. Guray was joined by fellow laboratory staffs mark Lester Bernardino, Maita Devlois and Anthony Geronimo in gcing lectures. The course also included demonstration on the proper respirator donning and doffing, demonstration on biological spill control, and short film presentation on emergency response. Participants also gave their insights and comments on the topics discussed.
Certificates of attendance were given to the participants on the last day of the lecture course. But more than just receiving a piece of paper, this lecture series proved very useful in mitigating risks for people working with biological hazards. It equipped them with basic knowledge in biosafety and proper way of dealing with possible accidents in the workplace.