Closing TDF's COVID-19 Project: Celebrating Achievements with Ayala Corporation and BCFI
In the wake of an unprecedented global crisis, we’ve seen inspiring acts of resilience, unity, and philanthropy. Leading these remarkable efforts is the partnership between the Tropical Disease Foundation, Inc. (TDF), Ayala Corporation (AC) through its healthcare unit, Ayala Healthcare Holdings, Inc. (AC Health), and the Bloomberry Cultural Foundation Inc. (BCFI). Joining hands, a commitment has been made to provide the public with accessible and timely COVID-19 testing.
A Vision of Public Health
It was a vision rooted deeply in TDF’s core values: public health, quick access to healthcare, and a strong commitment to address infectious disease cases.
On May 27, 2020, a significant milestone was reached when TDF received accreditation from the Department of Health as a licensed RT-PCR COVID-19 testing facility. This accreditation empowered TDF to process samples for SARS-CoV-2 confirmation, a critical step in the fight against the pandemic.
The Power of Collaboration
The collaboration between TDF, Ayala Corporation’s AC Health, and BCFI has played an integral role in addressing the public health challenges posed by the pandemic. It aligns with the Department of Health and the Inter-Agency Task Force's Project T3, a comprehensive strategy designed to identify, isolate, and provide medical treatment to COVID-19 patients.
Fernando Zobel de Ayala, President of Ayala Corporation, emphasized the importance of their initiative, stating, "At the Ayala Group, we are big believers in testing and are one with the government in their efforts to expand our country's capacity. By constructing new laboratories and expanding capacity for existing ones, we will increase access to confirmatory RT-PCR testing for COVID-19 in many critical areas."
Donato C. Almeda, President of BCFI, expressed the foundation's commitment, stating, "We are happy to partner with AC Health and TDF and in our own way contribute to the Department of Health's and the Inter-agency Task Force's Project T3 (Test, Trace, Treat), which has proven effective in curbing the pandemic."
Expanded Capabilities
The impact on the nation's healthcare system is evident. Both AC Health and BCFI generously donated RT-PCR machines, while TDF acquired an automated extraction system through their support along with Temasek Foundation.
Their generosity extended further by providing additional vital equipment, including a Biological Safety Cabinet, Refrigerated Centrifuge, Refrigerator, Ultralow Freezer, as well as PCR and RNA Extraction Kits.
These instrumental contributions were pivotal in establishing TDF as a Biosafety Level 2+ laboratory capable of conducting around 200 confirmatory RT-PCR tests daily. This advancement significantly strengthens the country’s COVID-19 testing capacity, ensuring quick diagnoses and timely treatments while adhering to the highest testing standards.
A Beacon of Hope
Originally set to conclude on September 30, the project was extended until October 15 for the final activities. During this period, TDF facilitated 12,066 COVID tests through sponsorship from AC Health (Healthway) and 209,188 tests through Bloomberry's support.
The culmination of this collaborative effort became a beacon of hope, demonstrating the potential for unity and resilience when combating a global health crisis. It serves as a testament to the remarkable impact achievable when public and private entities unite with a shared goal: strengthening healthcare systems, ensuring immediate and equitable healthcare access, and progressing towards a world where health and well-being are accessible to all.
Thanking all contributors, an eager anticipation arises for a future where such partnerships persist in making a difference, inspiring unity, and nurturing resilience in the face of global challenges.
As we close this successful and significant three-and-a-half-year project, we thank our partners Ayala Health and Bloomberry with the words of Henry Ford: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”
Ayala group to build 4 new COVID-19 testing labs | Inquirer News
Ayala Group to build 4 more COVID-19 testing laboratories (