Dr. Julius Lecciones is TDF's new EVP

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Julius A. Lecciones as the TDF Executive VicePresident (EVP) and concurrently Chief Operations Officer (COO) effective 25 September 2021. He reports directly to the President and CEO, Dr. Roberta C. Romero.
We welcome Dr. Lecciones back to TDF where he worked in the early 1990s right after his Clinical Fellowship in Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, and Infectious Diseases, respectively, at the US National Institutes of Health from 1986-1990. He is a graduate of the UP College of Medicine in 1981, and completed Residency in Pediatrics from UP-PGH in 1985. He has masteral degrees from Ateneo De Manila University, both in Hospital Administration and in Public Management, respectively, and Doctor of Public Administration degree from UP NCPAG. He was President of the Philippine Society for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (PSMID) from 1995-1996.
He brings to the Foundation his more than 15 years of experience as a career executive in government and as Executive Director of the Philippine Children’s Medical Center in Quezon City where he retired last July of this year; about 14 years of corporate executive positions in multi-national pharmaceutical companies; and, more than 30 years in subspecialty clinical practice, teaching and research. He is well-published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and is a thought leader in the field of childhood cancer and infections in the immunocompromised patients.
With his strong academic, management and professional background, Dr. Lecciones will lead TDF to its next level of performance, together with Dr. Romero, through strong management practices and strategies that are consistent with the vision of its Founder, Dr. Thelma E. Tupasi. We wish him the best and we look forward to working with him.