TDF works with DLSU-COSCA to Empower Manila Communities in the Fight to End TB

For the month of March 2016, in line with the Foundation’s thrust of establishing partnerships, Tropical Disease Foundation (TDF) entered into a collaboration with De La Salle University Center for Social Concern and Action (COSCA) to provide technical assistance for their community health education project, to coincide with the celebration of World TB Day 2016. For two sessions, members of the TDF TB Clinic provided health education to members of beneficiary communities of DLSU-COSCA.
Consistent with the upcoming World TB Day celebration, the health education sessions focused on tuberculosis disease, infection control and an overview on TB treatment, including MDRTB. Participants in attendance belonged to Barangays 713, 714, and 717. The attendees displayed a healthy thirst for knowledge on the disease, raising questions and points for discussion, which livened up the sessions and showed that the TB eradication is a community concern and that their cooperation is vital for its accomplishment.
The brief cooperation proved to be a success, opening doors for future cooperation between TDF and DLSU-COSCA and culminating in the two organizations in attendance for the World TB Day celebration held in the Unilab Bayanihan Center in Mandaluyong, together with other stakeholders. Partnerships such as this, no matter the size, show that like TB treatment regimens, everyone needs to Unite, To End TB.